Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Artists in Captivity - Collaborative Project
Artists in Captivity - Collaborative Project
The Women's Caucus for Art is about Diversity & Inclusion
* We are intentional about keeping diversity, equity, and inclusion as a focus for our organization.
* We initiate partnerships with artists and organizations that reflect a variety of voices and experiences.
* These activities are not done in isolation but are integrated throughout WCACO via the board, committees, and member artists.
Leslie Lefferdink is Chair of the Diversity Committee
Meetings are typically the 2nd Monday of each month at 6 pm on the WCACO Zoom link
Current Members Include
* Deborah Deal-Blackwell
* Leslie Lefferdink (chair)
* Rona Lesser
* Suz Matthews
* Annie Mohler
2024 Goals
* Meet CHAC artists through the Reflections of Culture exhibition
* Initiate a relationship with RedLine
* Initiate a relationship with the Trinidad artist community
* Add additional members to the committee
* Identify ways WCACO can increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of our actions.
* Seek out and identify training for the committee and WCACO members
* Work with the membership team to organize one social event.
* We currently meet via Zoom on the second Monday of each month at 6 pm.
Committee Chair Responsibilities
* Send an email with the agenda to members before each meeting
* Take notes and follow up on action items
* Share updates to members via the WCACO newsletter and meetings
* Identify opportunities to collaborate with the board, committees, and members
* Track progress on goals.
Contact for more information.