Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylics on Canvas
Artists in Captivity - Collaborative Project
Artists in Captivity - Collaborative Project
Honoring Our Members
On Friday, October 30, 2020 at 5:30pm in the alleyway on the east side of D’art Gallery, 900 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO 80204, the Women’s Caucus for Art Colorado Chapter (WCACO) surprised long-time Denver artist Jean B. Smith with a mural painted on the alley wall honoring her years of service to the Denver area art community.
The Women’s Caucus for Art Colorado Chapter is proud to honor Jean B. Smith with this mural in gratitude for her consistent, unwavering contribution of energy, time, and talents to the co-operative art gallery scene in Denver and the WCACO.
Since 1986, Jean has been a full-time artist in Denver, working primarily as a ceramic sculptor using distinctive styles that convey her energy, charm, and spunk. She is a founding member of the Women’s Caucus for Art Colorado Chapter and has been a constant guiding presence since its inception in Denver in 1990.
Her history in the Denver art scene includes many years with Core New Art Space, co-founding the Ice Cube Gallery, 18 years with Zip 37 Gallery—which included activism in the Navajo Arts District—and countless exhibitions in other venues. Most recently, she is a founding member of D’art Gallery which opened in 2019.
You can find out more about Jean Smith's work here: